News aus dem schulalltag



August 2023

Schülerprojekt KA2 2020-2023


Das Erasmusprojekt stellt sich auf seiner Website vor

The goal of our project is to understand the relevance of European collaboration for using renewable energies and avoid natural catastrophes.

The project should motivate adolescents to be aware of their responsibility for protecting nature and become active European citizens by travelling to other countries and being curious about their solutions concerning the use of renewable energies and avoiding nature catastrophes.

By learning more about the details of science and technology the adolescents will have more concrete knowledge to see the difference between news and fake news.

During the project they will learn more digital skills by communicating, monitoring and evaluating (eTwinning) the activities. Furthermore, they learn to feel comfortable when being in a different country and while welcoming people from other cultures because of their acquired intercultural skills. Europe needs tolerant,open minded, empathic and active young people who experience the enrichment of learning new languages, getting to more knowledge about energy ressources and climate change to take the advantages of a united Europe in the battle against climate change. With our project we try to make school exchanges more popular so that students who leave school built out the listed competences and have a positive attitude towards the European Union and environmental protection.

Experiencing exchange between the partnerschools leads us to strenghten the competences of teachers and students.Different schoolsystems and education methods will bring the teachers more experiences and new ideas in teaching and more quality of our education.

We also include teachers with no language subjects to create an interdisciplinary concept and an internationalization of our schools.

Students will be creative during the process by finding new solutions. They will have intercultural experiences which give them life long contact to other Europeans and prepare them for the European and international working market.

The topic is important to recognize and realize our responsibility to care about the planet, to use renewables ressources more effectively and adapted in daily life. New ideas from the partnerschools, teachers, students and experts from universities will be innovative and helpful.

The students learn about the problems of climate change and the catastrophes taking place in the different countries and search innovative solutions to avoid them.We’ll also avoid emigration because of destroyed parts of countries by avoiding catastrophes.

Our project is also open for refugees or handicaped students. Repeating fire problems in Portugal and Spain are not resolved, increasing of floods in Germany and other european countries caused a lot of damage because of lacking drainage systems.

Usage of renewable energies and subventions are not adapted to the environmental status quo.

With our project we’ll amplify the awareness of our students and teachers and increase the knowledge about connections between the climate change,the use of energies and the danger of catastrophes.

Creative solutions for the challenges in Europe will be found by adaquate and reasonable WATCHING of THE PROBLEM FROM OUTSIDE, a perspective change, a profit from already existing solutions and informations in other European countries.

The national perspective only on a problem is in our days not enough because there always will be a blind spot.With our project we have the chance to collect the ideas of all the participants to widen our national view and turn it in a European one.

The collaboration within our project will rise the understanding of the subject in other countries and gives also a chance to influence the regional politics by active involvement.

The intense contact with other young Europeans during the mobilities is the base for friendships and lifelong collaboration in Europe and a positive attitude towards nature and environment.

Leipzigstr. 11
88400 Biberach

T  07351 346 - 215
F  07351 346 - 342

sek.mes [at]


Mo.-Do.:      7:15 - 12:15 Uhr

14:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Fr.:  7:15 - 12:15 Uhr


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